Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today was Brody's baptism. He did a great job through his baptism...looking all around showing off how cute he is to everyone. He was sporting his new sandals that mammaw and pappaw bought him (which I think we had more compliments on than anything else.) Brody didn't even cry when the water was put on him. After it was done, we sat down, and then he decided since he wasn't in the spotlight anymore than he should probably let us all know that he was still there. So as soon as the next baptism was about to take place he began his snorting and crying to let us know that daddy was right when he said that he had filled his pants during the baptism part!! He's a sweety!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know they say if you put a person's hand in warm water while they're sleeping it will make them Poop their pants. Oh wait, I meant it makes them Pee their pants....oh well. Poop...Pee....same thing, right? - Wes